my approach


coaching together

The word “trauma” comes from the greek word wound. Dr. Gabor Mate says that “Trauma is not what happens to you; it’s what happens inside of you, as a result of what happens to you.” Trauma is an experience that overwhelms us and our capacity to emotionally digest it. Trauma isn’t the big, bad story that happens to us, it’s an invisible wound one carries when overwhelmed and left alone in it. When unattended, we unknowingly carry these wounds into our lives and they end up bleeding out into all our relationships.

trauma affects all of us in some capacity

While not everyone is or considers themselves traumatized, we all have experienced trauma in some form. We’ve all had some life experience— whether it’s a single event or continual within a complex relationship or in recurring circumstances— in which we’ve been overwhelmed. We were served or force-fed too much; more than we could properly digest.

We feel the effects of this stress long-after; oftentimes feeling alone and not knowing what really happened or what to do next. We feel the stress in our bodies and we feel it in our busy minds. We especially feel it in our stressed relationships. It can take some time, but with intention, the right information and with informed support, we can begin to metabolize stress better and recover from too much. We begin to name those invisible wounds and properly tend to them. We can start to cultivate more calm in our minds and ease in our bodies. This inside-out approach is the cornerstone of our coaching work together.

i’m your trauma-informed advocate & guide

I know what it’s like to live in a body imprinted with trauma— and one transformed with curiosity and compassion. What I’ve come to know and understand about trauma has informed every aspect of my life!

I struggled for decades carrying invisible wounds I had no idea were there. I carried them into my life and they bled out into all of my most precious relationships. I lived stuck in cycles of fear and shame with no answers, because there was no “evidence” to point to. At one of the lowest points of my life (that many would consider perhaps “the joyfullest”), hope came to meet me with a beautiful invitation, through the steady presence of an attuned heart: “What does freedom look like for you, Andy?

My sadness would begin to hold hands with hope and I would be led on a journey that would bring me to an invisible Love that would shift it all and offer me valuable resources through powerful insight and compassionate witness that would help rebuild the missing scaffolding caused by trauma.

As a trauma-informed advocate and guide, I now help others identify their invisible wounds from stress, trauma, complex relationships, and adversity. I empower my clients to learn how to compassionately be with all the thoughts and emotions that come with complex experiences.

I’m passionate about equipping others with the powerful science-based information to understand the very predictable human ways we all experience our bodies, minds and lives when stressed. I'm here to support you to unmask the ways overwhelm currently manifests in your life, so you can live with more confidence and ease. 

My work is guided by the fields of interpersonal neurobiology, neuroscience, Polyvagal theory, attachment science and the physiology of trauma and resilience. My unique coaching approach is a blend of Internal Family Systems (IFS) and somatic and brain-based coaching that’s incredibly effective at getting to the heart of your needs. As a trained and certified life coach, I provide the most valuable coaching tools and processes to move you towards your goals. And for people of faith, I use these same approaches integrated with contemplative spiritual practices to support you in guiding your own life from a Spirit-Led place.

my holistic approach attunes to you

As humans, each of us has a fundamental need to be truly seen, to be known and feel safe. My goal is to learn you. I coach with you in mind, according to your unique wiring, your personal experiences and your heart of perspectives. I share your vision and support you in intentionally moving forward, so you become the me you want to be.

Let’s see how you can step into possibility and begin our sacred work together!

what’s possible with coaching?

gain clarity on who you want to be

We’ll embark on a coaching path to help you figure out where you are on the map of your life and where you want to go next. I share your vision and support you in moving forward at a pace that feels right for you. Coaching together means you pick the focus and set the agenda for each time we meet together. In our coaching conversations, you’ll gain insight on what’s holding you back— in real time! 

be seen and be known— be gotten!

I hold a wide open space for you to tell your story, so you can learn to pay attention to yourself and notice your life in new ways. You’ll gain powerful insight, so you can focus on what’s meaningful to you and be truly present to your life. When we are truly heard and seen, something begins to shift within us, allowing for more ease within. I’m here to get you in all the ways that you want to be gotten!

As a certified trauma specialist, I utilize somatic (body) and brain-based coaching strategies to help you intentionally explore and unmask what’s really going on, so you can get to the root of what’s holding you back. As we work together over time, you’ll  be strengthening your inner resources, so you’re empowered to take steps towards what’s truly meaningful to you!

get unique & attuned support

Together, we create an open, safe and trusting atmosphere for you to explore possibilities and consider what to feed your mind and heart. You receive attuned support, so you can welcome in more self-compassion and be empowered to tap into that well of wisdom inside of you.You’ll gain insight, get to the root of what’s holding you back, while developing the capacities to truly transform the way you experience yourself, your life and your relationships.

curate your life

Your coaching journey will be a process, one that is rich and incredibly rewarding as you put in the work! This work is sacred in nature, foundational for your life & develops and deepens over time. Working together, you’ll begin to develop daily rhythms and piece together a unique, à la carte approach to your life. You’ll learn to offload what’s not useful and take the portions you may need, when you need it, while satiating the deepest parts of you and moving towards the me you want to be.

begin to satiate your soul.

Mary Poppins poignantly said, “Let enough be as good as a feast!” In our space together, the goal is to experience a sense of leftovers. You’re invited to take one bite at a time, so you can savor the insight you gain.

It’s never too late to move towards the change you long for.

“You don't think your way into a new kind of living. You live your way into a new kind of thinking.”

-Henri Nouwen

what clients say …

  • “Andy has given me the tools and mindset perspectives to move forward as a warrior rather than a victim. Her support is always an invitation and has helped nurture those parts of me that needed confidence, compassion and a renewed sense of agency.”

    V.M., Trauma Warrior

  • “My confidence has been shaken lately and Andy does such a good job of reminding me to celebrate some of my unique ways of operating. I really value the way coaching causes me to perceive differently, the unique ways that Andy has helped me access unknown emotions or feelings, and also the various resources she shares that build upon something that I am currently trying to work out or understand… Just thank you, Andy, for the open, fun, caring, non-judgmental space you hold.”

    K.P., Employee Development Officer + Owner/Coach

  • “I showed up to my first session thinking I knew myself well. 12 sessions later I walked away with clarity, a renewed awareness, and a sense of peace.  What I love the most about Andy is her innate ability of understanding. She is intuitive, strong, and listens deeply.  Working with Andy is an absolute treat.”

    A.S., Corporate Director

  • “We can all say that we really feel something when Andy talks. She’s very calm and comforting…. and it’s not just her authenticity during the session. It’s how she comes every time we see her, as her full self.”

    L.J., Entrepreneur + Trauma Warrior

  • “The first thing I noticed in working with Andy is her calm and attentive presence. Her ability to hold space for me to explore the deepest parts of me allowed me to face the parts of myself I’ve been ignoring for years. Simply acknowledging parts of myself that often get overruled by shame or frustration has opened the door for greater self-compassion, self-acceptance, and ease throughout my life. Andy’s knowledge, passion, and lived experience makes her an amazing guide through this experience.”

    A.G., Life & Leadership Coach