the feast of


get a taste of my 1:1 virtual offerings

What is the Feast of Possibility?

Do you ever wonder why you do the very things you don’t want to do? Stop that tug-of-war in your head and make room for clarity and ease! Here, we’re serving a contemplative feast where you’ll develop a rhythm of slowing down, so you can overcome your auto-pilot, while cultivating more peace within. 

You bring a wealth of knowledge to the table!

We start right where you’re at, working with what you got, and build from there. Your lived experiences have shaped you and guided you this far, trust you are right where you need to be! When we coach together, those experiences will be honored and your beautiful complexities held in a nonjudgmental, trauma-sensitive space.

As a certified life coach with specialities in complex trauma, Internal Family Systems, contemplative spiritual formation and the Enneagram, I offer a buffet of trailheads into coaching— so you can choose a path that fits your needs in this season of your life. I’ll help you declutter your mind and get unstuck, so you can move through your life with confidence and ease.

I’ll be your companion, guide and believing mirror, offering you my non-judgmental and compassionate withness along the way. Together, we’ll create a safe space for you to be listened to and free to tell your story. You’ll gain powerful insight about yourself that will help you focus your energy where it matters most. As you set intentions and practice embodying the skills you learn, you’ll increase your experiential knowledge and build new rhythms—and gain the confidence to keep on going!

Come on in and take a seat. Settle in and let the eyes of your heart gaze at the spread before you . . .

the feast of











signature dishes

12 week foundational journeys

These are my two signature coaching programs and the main way I work with people!

Coming Home Coaching

Come on home to yourself and begin to live from the best of who you are! Authenticity coaching helps you sort through the inner clutter and tap into that deep well of wisdom inside of you. Increase your self-compassion, as you explore your interior world through the uplifting paradigm of Internal Family Systems parts work.

  • Come discover Internal Family Systems, a compassionate and transformative tool to help you learn to relate to yourself differently, in more compassionate and loving ways. I blend IFS with somatic/brain-based coaching so you can develop your own set of practices to confidently guide your inner experiences and help to ease stress within. Begin to transform the beliefs you have of yourself and what people are about, to deepen the relationships that matter most to you. Begin to feel at home with who you are!

  • Coming Home Coaching is for you if you’re ready to . . .

    • Focus your time and energy where it matters most

    • Relate to yourself in more kind and compassionate ways

    • Live a life that allows for the messes, while giving you space to still breathe and stay engage

    • Get to the heart of your needs and the root of what’s motivating your unwanted patterns

    • Step onto a path of discovery and do what it takes to experience breakthrough

    • Give yourself permission to trust the things you intuitively know

    • Draw on the lifetime of experiences you’ve lived through and unearth the gems of truth underneath the surface

    • Re-write the unhelpful narratives you’ve been living and feel confident in who you were made to be

  • With Coming Home Coaching, you’ll begin to . . .

    • Turn your overwhelming thoughts and feelings into your greatest allies

    • Turn down the noise in your mind, so you can focus your time and energy where it matters most

    • Learn to offer attention and care to each “part” of you

    • Develop boundaries for your soul to know where you end and someone else begins

    • Get to the root of your needs and get unstuck

    • Cope with stress while cultivating calm, courage, curiosity, clarity and confidence in your day to day life

    • Tap into wisdom and empowerment from within

    • Experience personal and spiritual transformation

  • Some vital tools you’ll need to bring to this sacred work:

    • Curiosity towards yourself and a willingness to explore

    • Increasing grace and kindness towards yourself as you explore new ways of relating to yourself

    • Growing self-awareness of yourself, motivations and tendencies and an openness to understanding these in greater depth

    • Open communication to express your thoughts and perspectives

    • Your commitment to this transformational process, as you develop new habits and rhythms

    • (12) sixty-minute virtual Zoom sessions (video or audio only)

    • Voxer messaging support in between sessions

    • Continuation coaching options available

  • (3) payments of 777 USD or 2177 USD paid in full.

Good Earth Coaching

Cultivate the soil of who you are & ready for the harvest! Contemplative coaching is heart formation for faith-driven women ready to adventure with Holy Spirit in cultivating emotional and spiritual wholeness. This program is my unique blend of contemplative spiritual formation, Internal Family Systems and brain/body based coaching.

  • There’s a passionate landscape that is your interior life! Inspired by the parable of the soils in Matthew 13, Good Earth Coaching is an invitation to tend to your soul and transform your mind and heart through a lifestyle of practicing presence—where God is continually tilling your “earth” as you’re putting in the work to cultivate your heart.

    We’ll begin to gently dig into the soil of your heart, set about weeding and begin to cultivate the good earth that’s essential for seeds of truth to truly take root and eventually yield the abundant harvest God has for you!

    Maybe you’re re-discovering who God really is or piecing your faith back together with more authenticity. Whether you’re working through your painful shadows or stepping into a renewed sense of life with God and a calling into more— I’ll meet you where you are on your spiritual journey. If you’re wrestling with your faith and wondering how to step into the uncertainty of sorting things out, you’re in the right place!

    My heartfelt prayer is that you’ll be filled with a renewed sense of hope as you find meaning and wholeness encountering God’s presence, right in the midst of your here and now.

  • Good Earth Coaching is for you if you . . .

    • Have hidden places of pain that are revealing themselves to you and you want to do more than just cope with your extreme emotions and thoughts

    • Notice an increasing gap between your beliefs and what you are experiencing

    • Feel stuck in a faith that isn’t transforming the deep places of your life

    • Realize you’re living a life from what others might think of you or you’re stuck in a formula of life that doesn’t work anymore

    • Feel tired of looking around and trying to implement different approaches to change

    • Long to find other ways to engage your faith that are more satisfying than what you have now

    • Feel ready to be done being comfortable with what’s not working nd ready to go on a search to excavate the truth of what’s holding you back

  • With Good Earth Coaching, you’ll begin to . . .

    • Turn down the noise in your mind, so you can focus your time and energy where it matters most

    • Welcome all parts of you with curiosity and learn to be with difficult thoughts and emotions, while increasing your capacity to be led by Holy Spirit through stuckness

    • Compassionately nurture the desires of your heart and the unmet needs lingering just below the surface

    • Get to the heart of your needs and the root of what’s motivating your unwanted patterns

    • Address the scattered seeds of protective strategies that helped get you this far, but no longer serve you

    • Untangle roots of fear and shame by unmasking them through what’s active in your life now

    • Start weeding out old mindsets and uproot thorns of limiting beliefs, loosening the hold they have on you

    • Build new pathways in your brain to encounter God’s presence in your everyday life, as he touches your unique experiences in personal and meaningful ways

    • (12) sixty-minute virtual Zoom sessions (video or audio only)

    • Voxer messaging support in between sessions

    • Continuation coaching options available

  • Some vital tools you’ll need to bring to this sacred work:

    • Curiosity towards yourself and God, and a willingness to explore

    • Open hands to God’s abundant grace for the truth you discover about yourself

    • Eagerness to continually hear, embrace and respond to God

    • Open communication to express your thoughts and perspectives

    • Your commitment to this transformational process, as you develop new habits and rhythms of grace

  • (3) payments of 777 USD or 2177 USD paid in full.

specialty dishes

6 week discovery journeys

Take a dive into coaching with a focused program

Compassionate Care Coaching

Compassionate Care is a blend of coaching and trauma-informed guidance to help you gain insight on the effects of trauma, loss and constant stress on the brain/body and how it affects relationships. We’ll demystify trauma and unmask that ways it shows up in life. This is also offered as a safe space to process what comes up in you as you support others, so you can truly elevate compassion.

  • Compassionate Care Coaching & Guidance has two goals:

    1. Offer you insight of how the brain/body functions under stress and safety and how trauma, loss, constant adversity & toxic stress affects relationships.

    2. A safe space for you to process what comes up for you as you support others

    There are complex realities of how trauma, loss, and overwhelming experiences is individually experienced and how it affects the dynamics of relationships.

    Unfortunately, good intentions simply do not carry far enough! It’s vital to be equipped to handle the challenges of supporting others with trauma histories. Our autonomic nervous system was brilliantly designed to function in an automatically. While life is not always certain, there are predictable patterns in the ways we cope with stress and overwhelm. Understanding this connection of the brain and body to help usher in unequivocal compassion into any relationship!

    As a helper, what you do behind the scenes and at home cannot be overstated! You play an essential role in healing and deserve to be supported in your experiences and seen in the often anonymous and defining moments that affect you.

    Give yourself permission to care for your own needs, so you can be free to love others in compassionate and effective ways.

  • For helpers and leaders of all kinds—coaches, healers, ministry leaders, team leaders, volunteers and educators who are interested in gaining insight into how the brain/body functions under stress and within relationships.

    I also help trauma supporters — spouses, partners, caregivers or anyone who is directly involved in the daily life of an adult survivor/warrior of relational trauma (cPTSD).

    As wife to a 20-year paramedic/fire captain, I’m also passionate about supporting spouses/partners of fire fighters in the unique role they play in the well-being of those who experience secondary/vicarious trauma. I’ll also help you identify how the fire culture uniquely touches you and your personal experiences, so you can navigate this unique lifestyle with confidence and clarity.

  • With Compassionate Care Coaching and Trauma-Informed Guidance, you’ll begin to:

    • Gain helpful insight of the autonomic nervous system to understand the inner experience of the brain/body under stress

    • Increase your knowledge of how overwhelming experiences (trauma), toxic stress and constant adversity affect how we show up in relationships, so you can increase your capacity to care

    • Develop the skills to be an effective supporter and advocate for others

    • Intentionally grow your own practice of self-regulation, which supports you to tolerate triggers and deactivate survival responses

    • Explore your attachment love style and understand how your early experiences inform how you love, so you can be a secure connector for others

    • Identify and care for your own parts that show up as you support others

Post-Traumatic Possibility Coaching

You’ve been through so much and you’re ready for the next chapter. Post-Traumatic possibility helps you build towards more resilience in your life, so you can step into a new story! Strengthen their inner compass, explore new meaning from your painful learning and learn to support yourself as you navigate the world and your relationships in new ways.

  • In post-traumatic growth, there is no single way to approach it. Your unique experiences will be honored. I’ll be your guide to help you pay attention to your life through a new, more compassionate lens to reframe your experiences, so they no longer have a hold on you. You’ll be learning to care for yourself in ways that will truly reveal new possibility within your unfolding story.

  • Post-Traumatic Possibility Coaching is for individuals who have done their deeper healing work and are ready for the next season of exploring post-traumatic growth.

    As a fellow trauma warrior, I know what it’s like to live in a body imprinted with trauma—and one transformed with curiosity, compassion and a whole lot of hard work!

    I couldn’t have done it without compassionate helpers and witnesses, who deeply understood the complexities of trauma. You don't have to go at it alone! Get trauma-sensitive support in a space where I will learn you and work to get you in the ways you want to be gotten, so you can confidently move forward.

  • With Post-Traumatic Possibility Coaching, you’ll begin to:

    • Tune into your body’s signals and restore a sense of safety, so you can make decisions from a relaxed state

    • Turn your difficult life experiences into powerful self-awareness and insight

    • Increase the inner resources that help you feel grounded, safe and calm

    • Attend to your shame and pain and decrease the impact loss and stress

    • Develop skills to cope and re-orient to your strengths and capacites

    • Discover a sense of meaning and purpose from your experiences and begin to re-write the narrative of your life

    • Receive compassionate support and trauma-informed guidance for your unique journey

Life Design Coaching

Are you sensing there’s got to be more for your life? Figure out what you really want and embark on a beautifully rich journey of creating it. Stay rooted in your core beliefs, while gaining clarity in who you are! Curate your life by developing habits and rhythms that move you towards your goals and who you want to be.

  • Life Design is all about helping you figure out what you really want—and embarking on a beautifully rich journey of creating it. Gain clarity in who you are, so you can be empowered to show up to your life with more curiosity and creativity like never before!

    Explore your passions & build a rich life aligned with your core values. Begin to live each day with more clarity and increasing passion. Live the questions of your life with confidence and peace. Start right where you are. Your current circumstances position you and your lived experiences have prepared you!

  • Life Design Coaching is for those wanting to develop creative strategies to design and curate your day-to-day life, so you can step into who you want to be. This is for you if you’re ready to:

    • Explore aspects of yourself and your desires

    • Gain clarity on the direction of your life, even when you’re not quite sure where you’re going

    • Grow based on insights revealed and what you learn about yourself

    • Reimagine what’s possible and engage life with freedom, fulfillment and lasting satisfaction

  • With Life Design Coaching, you’ll begin to:

    • Gain clarity on the direction of your life by developing your personal mission & vision statements to direct your life and all its activities

    • Envision possibility and design your life! Develop creative strategies and implement purposeful habits and daily rhythms

    • Maintain momentum through partnership, accountability and meaningful change

    • Build your way forward with tiny steps in new directions. Stay rooted in your core beliefs and grow based on insights revealed

    • Expand and diversify your perspectives. Cultivate a lifestyle of gratitude and a mindset of abundance

Enneagram Coaching - Coming Soon!

Did you know there are 9 valid perspectives to seeing the world? Discover yours and develop your internal GPS to understand why you think, feel and do the things you do! Build confidence to live on your healthiest path, based on your personality type

  • Discover your personal, internal GPS to understand why you do the things you do! Gain insight on your patterns of thinking that affect the ways you behave and how you feel about yourself. Build confidence to live your life on your healthiest path, based on your personality type.

  • For Enneagram enthusiasts to anyone wondering, “What IS the Enneagram?” — and anyone in between!

    This program is for you if you’re curious about your personality type and looking to gain a deeper understanding of why you do the very things you do! You’ll even gain an appreciation for other personality types along the way.

    • Gain an understanding of the 9 different (and all valid!) perspectives

    • Bring clarity to why you do the very things you don’t want to do

    • Relate to others in healthier ways, ushering in more compassion, kindness and grace in relationships

    • Develop your own internal GPS to help you know where you are at any given moment of health or stress

    • Use the Enneagram as a “rumble strip” to warn you when you’re veering off your best path

    • Deepen your sense of self and live in alignment with who you were created to be

for 6 week discovery journeys

  • Some vital tools you’ll need to bring to this sacred work:

    • Curiosity towards yourself and a willingness to explore

    • Increasing grace and kindness towards yourself as you explore new ways of relating to yourself

    • Growing self-awareness of yourself, motivations and tendencies and an openness to understanding these in greater depth

    • Open communication to express your thoughts and perspectives

    • Your commitment to this transformational process, as you develop new habits and rhythms

  • (6) sixty-minute virtual Zoom sessions (video or audio only)

  • (2) payments of 577 USD

how it works:

01 .

book a free discovery call

In this introductory conversation, I’ll help you gain clarity on what’s important to you and where you’d like to go. I’ll also answer any questions you may have and we’ll figure out if 1:1 coaching is a good fit for you.

02 .

review details & sign up

If we decide to move forward, we’ll review the details of my virtual offerings and we’ll figure out the coaching package that’s right for you. I’ll send you the necessary documents and you’ll complete the registration process.

03 .

start coaching

I share your vision and you pick the focus for each time we meet together. You’ll gain insight on what’s holding you back, while strengthening your inner resources, so you are empowered to take steps towards the me you want to be!

I work with committed and motivated individuals who are ready put in the work to experience transformation. If this is you and find yourself in a season of financial hardship, know that I offer a limited number of sliding scale spots. Please reach out to to me to inquire and apply!

not quite ready to take the deep dive into a coaching program?

that’s okay! there’s still something here for you.



hors d'oeuvres


+ a single starter session

offers tangible value for your life, while giving you a taste of what coaching together can do for you.

  • Who’s home in your house? Find out what’s driving your life.

    • Map your active “parts” and gain clarity on what’s getting in your way and keeping you stuck in your cycle of confusion & reactivity

    • Discover the good intentions behind some of your often unhelpful protective strategies. You have no bad parts!

    • Experience what it’s like to do a “You-Turn home” to your Self, so you can begin to bring a sense of ease to your mind and body

  • What’s growing in your emotional and spiritual soil? Find out what may be keeping you stuck in your faith.

    • Identify your stage of faith and what may be needed to grow in your current season

    • Tap into your Spirit-Led Self and learn how you can partner with Holy Spirit to lead your life from an authentic and growth-oriented place

    • Recognize your protective strategies & burdened parts and discover how Jesus desires to come alongside those parts of you

  • Want to love others well? See how you can truly elevate your compassion through trauma-informed coaching and guidance.

    • Receive an overview of the mind/body connection through the autonomic nervous system to help demystify trauma. Gain powerful insight on the effects of trauma and unmask how it shows up in relationships

    • Identify your window of tolerance to know when you are most effective as a helper

    • Identify the parts of you that need care, as you support others

  • Coming out of a deep season of healing? The story ain’t over!

    • Identify your window tolerance to gain insight on your calm and stressed states

    • Map your “life timeline” to identify your strengths & capacities and get a glimpse of how your lived experiences have cultivated positive qualities within you

    • Gain clarity on possible next steps for your season of possibility with trauma-sensitive support

  • Sensing there’s got to be more? Figure out what you really want for your life.

    • Identify your core values to gain insight on how you approach decision making

    • Create a personal mission and vision statement to direct your life and all its activities

    • Gain clarity on what is true about your life and begin to offload what’s not!

  • Save time and accelerate your growth and transformation. Discover the gift of being yourself.

    • Gain an overview of the Enneagram and all 9 (nine) personality types

    • Take the Enneagram Assessment and start to discover your main personality type

    • Begin to cultivate insight on your unconscious emotions, behaviors, habits and needs

    • Virtual Zoom session (video or audio only)

    • Investment of 277 USD


speaking engagements

What I’ve come to know and understand about trauma has informed every aspect of my life. I am an advocate for trauma warriors and the unique and also very human ways we experience ourselves and our lives.

I also acknowledge the complex realities of how trauma affects the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of championing and guiding those who support trauma warriors as we continue to walk out our life-long journeys of healing.

In addition to coaching, I have a passion for sharing accessible and empowering messages unmasking trauma and healing. I’m available for trauma trainings, guest speaking, facilitating open conversations, group workshops and more.

I see a great need to cultivate safe spaces that allow for honest and open conversations intersecting trauma & faith, so we can truly elevate compassion within our communities.

I would love to hear more of your heart and about your goals for elevating compassion in your small corner of the world. Reach out and start a conversation!

what clients say . . .

  • “I showed up to my first session thinking I knew myself well. 12 sessions later I walked away with clarity, a renewed awareness, and a sense of peace.  What I love the most about Andy is her innate ability of understanding. She is intuitive, strong, and listens deeply.  Working with Andy is an absolute treat.”

    A.S., Corporate Director

  • “The first thing I noticed in working with Andy is her calm and attentive presence. Her ability to hold space for me to explore the deepest parts of me allowed me to face the parts of myself I’ve been ignoring for years. Simply acknowledging parts of myself that often get overruled by shame or frustration has opened the door for greater self-compassion, self-acceptance, and ease throughout my life. Andy’s knowledge, passion, and lived experience makes her an amazing guide through this experience.”

    A.G., Life & Leadership Coach

  • “Andy has given me the tools and mindset perspectives to move forward as a warrior rather than a victim. Her support is always an invitation and has helped nurture those parts of me that needed confidence, compassion and a renewed sense of agency.”

    V.M., Trauma Warrior

  • “My confidence has been shaken lately and Andy does such a good job of reminding me to celebrate some of my unique ways of operating. I really value the way coaching causes me to perceive differently, the unique ways that Andy has helped me access unknown emotions or feelings, and also the various resources she shares that build upon something that I am currently trying to work out or understand… Just thank you, Andy, for the open, fun, caring, non-judgmental space you hold.”

    K.P., Employee Development Officer + Owner/Coach

  • “We can all say that we really feel something when Andy talks. She’s very calm and comforting…. and it’s not just her authenticity during the session. It’s how she comes every time we see her, as her full self.”

    L.J., Entrepreneur + Trauma Warrior

“Draw a different frame around the same set of circumstances and new pathways come into view. Find the right framework and extraordinary accomplishment becomes an everyday experience.”

—The Art of Possibility