let’s take a journey towards freedom . . .

are you living a strange, divided life that is begging you to be named, explored, written?


-lesley leyland fields, your story matters

+ stop the tug-of-war in your mind

what if you could turn your overwhelming emotions and thoughts into allies?

+ step into your interior world

slow down and learn to be with all parts of you, increasing your self-compassion & building trust within

unpack those bags


offload what’s weighing you down and no longer belongs. make room for what really matters

gain insight and clarity


declutter your mind, so you can focus on what matters most

+ awaken possibility within you

lead with curiosity, tap into your strengths and discover the truer story of who you really are

it won’t always be easy & you don’t have to go at it alone


i’ve been stuck too! i’ve been there and through it —and i’ll be your guide & companion, on the same side of whatever you find yourself in

get to the root of what’s holding you back


gain powerful insight and experience meaningful breakthrough. get unstuck and be empowered to keep on going

being yourself.

discover the gift of

feel at home with who you are.

come on home . . .

come on home . . .

what does freedom look like for you?

let’s discover it together.

how it works:

browse the Feast of Possibility to learn about my offerings

The work we do together is sacred in nature, foundational for your life and develops and deepens over time. Coaching starts at a minimum commitment of 6 weeks, with flexible payment plans available. Ongoing continuation options available by the month.

01 .

book a free discovery call

In this introductory conversation, I’ll help you gain clarity on what’s important to you and where you’d like to go. I’ll also answer any questions you may have and we’ll figure out if 1:1 coaching is a good fit for you.

02 .

review details & sign up

If we decide to move forward, we’ll review the details of my virtual offerings and figure out a coaching package that’s right for you. I’ll send you the necessary documents and you’ll complete the registration process.

03 .

start coaching

I share your vision and you pick the focus for each time we meet together. You’ll gain insight on what’s holding you back, while strengthening your inner resources, so you are empowered to take steps towards the me you want to be!

I work with committed and motivated individuals who are ready put in the work to experience transformation. If this is you and find yourself in a season of financial hardship, know that I offer a limited number of sliding scale spots. Please reach out to me to inquire and apply.

be at home with yourself, while still on the way

what clients say …

  • “Andy has given me the tools and mindset perspectives to move forward as a warrior rather than a victim. Her support is always an invitation and has helped nurture those parts of me that needed confidence, compassion and a renewed sense of agency.”

    V.M., Trauma Warrior

  • “My confidence has been shaken lately and Andy does such a good job of reminding me to celebrate some of my unique ways of operating. I really value the way coaching causes me to perceive differently, the unique ways that Andy has helped me access unknown emotions or feelings, and also the various resources she shares that build upon something that I am currently trying to work out or understand… Just thank you, Andy, for the open, fun, caring, non-judgmental space you hold.”

    K.P., Employee Development Officer + Owner/Coach

  • “I showed up to my first session thinking I knew myself well. 12 sessions later I walked away with clarity, a renewed awareness, and a sense of peace.  What I love the most about Andy is her innate ability of understanding. She is intuitive, strong, and listens deeply.  Working with Andy is an absolute treat.”

    A.S., Corporate Director

  • “We can all say that we really feel something when Andy talks. She’s very calm and comforting…. and it’s not just her authenticity during the session. It’s how she comes every time we see her, as her full self.”

    L.J., Entrepreneur + Trauma Warrior

  • “The first thing I noticed in working with Andy is her calm and attentive presence. Her ability to hold space for me to explore the deepest parts of me allowed me to face the parts of myself I’ve been ignoring for years. Simply acknowledging parts of myself that often get overruled by shame or frustration has opened the door for greater self-compassion, self-acceptance, and ease throughout my life. Andy’s knowledge, passion, and lived experience makes her an amazing guide through this experience.”

    A.G., Life & Leadership Coach